7 thoughts on “colors from kale”

  1. it complements your header image nicely 🙂 And now, thank you, I must delve into the world of Colourlovers for about 18 hours…

  2. Lynn, 18 hours is probably about right in estimating how many hours a person can spend at that site…

  3. Hiya,
    I am a woven fabric designer and very taken with our colour swatches.
    Soon I will delve along with Lynn 🙂

    That is a lovely way to display your kale. Can one add those leaves to the compost heap? I thought it would make everything grown on it taste cabbagy from thereon-in 🙂

  4. Hi! just returned from colourlovers because I had to see what you were talking about… it’s a beautiful site, how did you find it? but I have to admit that nothing can compete with real natural colors and textures!

  5. Jo, that’s so interesting about you being a designer of fabrics. I’m always amazed at the new color combinations I’m finding in the garden. Of course there are plenty of colors I see on my computer screen that are totally out of gamut for my garden.

    Fountains Outdoor, I was playing with Adobe’s Kuler site when I was turned on to Colour Lovers by some of the users there. If I had to pick between endless hours in the garden or endless hours in front of my computer screen, I’d definitely opt for the garden. But when it gets cold or dark outdoors, it’s nice to have some indoor toys.

  6. LOL-I was taking pictures of my kale yesterday too! Mine is a bit more monochromatic than yours right now, but yours does make for a lovely plaid!

  7. Oh goodness, you reminded me of colorlovers! Those swatches are gorgeous, what a great way to play with the site! I am now afraid that I will never do anything gainful ever again….

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