

…and the winner in the category of Best Use of Barbecue Tongs in a Garden Setting goes to…

This sight comes from the cactus section of one of my local hangouts, Walter Anderson Nursery. Jenny had commented that someone had told her that they weed around spiny plant by using tongs. Here’s a similar use of tongs that makes for a less painful shopping experience…

4 thoughts on “amusing…”

  1. After visiting a local cactus expert’s garden, I learned that extra-long tweezers are essential for weeding cacti. So I bought a set at Rainbow Gardens Bookshop online, and they’ve done the job beautifully. BBQ tongs would be good for handling the plants, but I’d think you’d need a more delicate tip to get those pesky weeds that pop up in tight places.

  2. Town Mouse, what a hilarious post! I’d heard of chopsticks for making holes for seeds, but I’d never thought of the other uses.

    Pam, I often see potted cactus with a gravel mulch on top. Maybe not having to weed at all is the best place to be. The tweezers sound useful. This might an area for a new garden gadget–something that has a grippy little pad on the end that would let you grab on to little weed seedlings…

  3. This is an example of a stroke of genius. I love it when people use what’s at hand to solve the problems they’ve got, instead of inventing an extra-handy cactus-lifter for only 29.99.

    Town Mouse, I also went to the chopstick post, and found it an excellent companion piece to this one.

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