spring garden tour

Okay, it’s been a while since my last post, but this is definitely something I didn’t want to let pass unnoticed. Fifteen private and public gardens in northern San Diego County will join together for the Garden Native Tour 2014. It all happens March 29-30.

Karen-Hutchinson_02_Ironwood-and-Seating_SMALL-WEBI helped with the photography for the event, either going out to shoot some gardens, or making the garden photos people took look even more glamorous.

I shot these photos one bright January morning. Expect these gardens to be even more inviting as spring kicks the plants into high gear.


You’ll see a variety of garden styles: comfy informal home spaces, garden spaces with adventuresome hiking opportunities, a home mixing natives with a working vineyard, gardens that showcase plant collections, a mature lakeside space perfect for entertaining, an institution that sets art-making in a warm native landscape…you’ll be inspired.




Tickets to the tour and to a pre-tour fundraiser where you can try out your new cocktail attire can be purchased online [ here ].

I hope to see you there!

9 thoughts on “spring garden tour”

  1. Welcome back to posting. Nice work helping with the photo bling. Looks like a good tour. It’s six weeks before the native tours up here, which makes sense, I just hadn’t ever thought about it.

  2. You make it look so inviting, I’m almost tempted to make the long drive to take it in (not really).
    Hope this bodes well for more posts to come.

    1. Ricki, thanks for the welcome back. I hope to drop into the blog every now and then, and I hope to spend more time with some of my favs from before.

      Janet, thanks for your concern about our drought. Yes, it’s been quite dry here. I don’t usually water at all during the winter, but I’ve been out there with a hose, trying to make up for what the rains don’t provide us. If there’s a positive light it’s that the weeds haven’t been as problematic this year with less water to get them germinating. But really I’d rather have the weeds!

  3. Ryan and Ricki, thanks for the welcome back! I hope to get a post in every now and then–and there should at least be a great garden tour to write about!

  4. I love seeing sculpture that seems to be organically growing out of the landscape. Your photos make me want to find my own Sentries to watch my garden. Thanks.

  5. Glad you’re back, and keep it the blogging! Sounds like a good tour; my January visit to SD was interesting, as the area I stayed was still not embracing native plants at all, water running down the street every day a practice that might kill natives if they tried. People say they want to conserve, but their actions show something else. Your images should help, we can hope!

    Many do get design, though, so with much more experience than I had when starting out there in 1989, I starting looking at what was not getting any care or much irrigation…interesting.

    1. David, glad to be back, even if more part-time than before. On your SD trip I’m sure you saw lots the belied the reality that we’re in a drought! Even though most of the gardens on the tour don’t use much water many don’t look xeric at all. Lots of lessons in these well-planned gardens…

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